NASDAQ: VKTX (Viking Therapeutics, Inc.)

Last update: 29 Jun, 3:04PM


2.24 (4.41%)

Market Trend

Short Term Medium Term
Industry Biotechnology (US) Bearish Bearish
Biotechnology (Global) Bearish Bearish
Stock Viking Therapeutics, Inc. Bearish -

Stockmoo Score


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VKTX 6 B - - 7.78
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Viking Therapeutics Inc is a healthcare service provider. The company specializes in the area of biopharmaceutical development focused on metabolic and endocrine disorders. The company's clinical program pipeline consists of VK2809, VK5211, VK0214 products. VK2809 and VK0214 are orally available, tissue and receptor-subtype selective agonists of the thyroid hormone receptor beta. VK5211 is an orally available, non-steroidal selective androgen receptor modulator.

Sector Healthcare
Industry Biotechnology
Investment Style Small Growth
52 Weeks Range
8.28 (-84%) — 99.41 (87%)
Price Target Range
90.00 (69%) — 120.00 (126%)
High 120.00 (Truist Securities, 126.37%) Buy
120.00 (Maxim Group, 126.37%) Buy
Median 116.00 (118.83%)
Low 90.00 (HC Wainwright & Co., 69.78%) Buy
Average 110.20 (107.89%)
Total 5 Buy
Avg. Price @ Call 56.04
Firm Date Target Price Call Price @ Call
Morgan Stanley 27 Jun 2024 105.00 (98.08%) Buy 50.77
HC Wainwright & Co. 24 Jun 2024 90.00 (69.78%) Buy 52.12
04 Jun 2024 90.00 (69.78%) Buy 56.23
Truist Securities 17 Jun 2024 120.00 (126.37%) Buy 52.02
16 May 2024 120.00 (126.37%) Buy 69.06
Maxim Group 04 Jun 2024 120.00 (126.37%) Buy 56.23
Raymond James 16 May 2024 116.00 (118.83%) Buy 69.06

No data within this time range.

The support, resistance and trendline levels presented has been generated by an artificial intelligence (AI) model and should be interpreted with caution.



Your price alert

Risk Profile

| | | | |
Moderate Conservative
Moderate Aggressive
Margin of Safety (EP)
Partial Profit (TP1)
Target Profit (TP2)
Maximum Loss (SL)

Disclaimer: The above is for illustrative purposes only and is NOT investment advice. Seek advice from a qualified financial professional.

Entry Price (EP)

Take Profit 1 (TP1)

Take Profit 2 (TP2)

Stop Loss (SL)

52W Range

All alert prices are within 52 weeks price range

Realized Profit -
Unrealized Profit -
Dividend Received 2024 -
Total Profit -
Avg. Return -
Quantity (Buy) -
Avg. Price (Buy) -
Quantity (Sold) -
Avg. Price (Sold) -
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