NYSE: WAL (Western Alliance Bancorporation)

Last update: 27 Sep, 11:33PM


0.22 (0.26%)

Previous Close 85.36
Open 86.24
Volume 823,453
Avg. Volume (3M) 1,478,287
Market Cap 9,421,160,448
Price / Earnings (TTM) 12.89
Price / Earnings (Forward) 9.34
Price / Sales 4.06
Price / Book 1.48
52 Weeks Range
38.81 (-54%) — 88.92 (3%)
Earnings Date 17 Oct 2024 - 21 Oct 2024
TTM Dividend Yield 1.73%
Profit Margin 24.69%
Operating Margin (TTM) 36.42%
Diluted EPS (TTM) 6.47
Quarterly Revenue Growth (YOY) 12.10%
Quarterly Earnings Growth (YOY) -7.80%
Operating Cash Flow (TTM) -1.28 B
Return on Assets (TTM) 0.95%
Return on Equity (TTM) 11.57%

Market Trend

Short Term Medium Term
Industry Banks - Regional (US) Bullish Bullish
Banks - Regional (Global) Bullish Bullish
Stock Western Alliance Bancorporation Bullish Bullish

Stockmoo Score

Analyst Consensus 1.5
Insider Activity -1.5
Price Volatility -0.5
Technical Moving Averages 0.0
Technical Oscillators 2.0
Average 0.30

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Western Alliance Bancorporation is a Las Vegas-based holding company with regional banks operating in Nevada, Arizona, and California. The bank offers retail banking services and focuses on mortgages for retail customers and commercial loans. The company's reportable segments are Commercial segment includes provides commercial banking and treasury management products and services to small and middle-market businesses, specialized banking services to sophisticated commercial institutions and investors within niche industries, as well as financial services to the real estate industry. Consumer Related segment offers both commercial banking services to enterprises in consumer-related sectors and consumer banking services, such as residential mortgage banking. Corporate & Other.

Sector Financial Services
Industry Banks - Regional
Investment Style Small Value
% Held by Insiders 2.77%
% Held by Institutions 83.15%
52 Weeks Range
38.81 (-54%) — 88.92 (3%)
Price Target Range
83.00 (-3%) — 107.00 (25%)
High 107.00 (JP Morgan, 25.03%) Buy
Median 95.50 (11.59%)
Low 83.00 (Deutsche Bank, -3.02%) Hold
Average 95.90 (12.06%)
Total 8 Buy, 2 Hold
Avg. Price @ Call 82.00
Firm Date Target Price Call Price @ Call
Stephens & Co. 18 Oct 2024 102.00 (19.19%) Buy 90.88
JP Morgan 09 Oct 2024 107.00 (25.03%) Buy 86.11
23 Jul 2024 100.00 (16.85%) Buy 77.99
Wells Fargo 01 Oct 2024 92.00 (7.50%) Hold 83.75
22 Jul 2024 85.00 (-0.68%) Hold 77.19
Wedbush 24 Sep 2024 105.00 (22.69%) Buy 84.85
Truist Securities 20 Sep 2024 100.00 (16.85%) Buy 87.69
22 Jul 2024 88.00 (2.83%) Buy 77.19
Deutsche Bank 23 Jul 2024 83.00 (-3.01%) Hold 77.99
B of A Securities 22 Jul 2024 98.00 (14.51%) Buy 77.19
Barclays 22 Jul 2024 92.00 (7.50%) Buy 77.19
Piper Sandler 22 Jul 2024 93.00 (8.67%) Buy 77.19
RBC Capital 22 Jul 2024 87.00 (1.66%) Buy 77.19
Show more
Name Avg. Buy ($) Avg. Sell ($) Net Quantity Net Value ($)
BOOTHE TIMOTHY W - 90.88 -97 -8,815
BRUCKNER TIM R - 90.88 -158 -14,359
CURLEY STEPHEN RUSSELL - 90.88 -165 -14,995
GIBBONS DALE - 90.88 -285 -25,901
HERNDON LYNNE - 90.88 -35 -3,181
JARVI JESSICA H - 90.88 -58 -5,271
KENNEDY BARBARA - 90.88 -101 -9,179
NACHLAS EMILY - 90.88 -72 -6,543
VECCHIONE KENNETH - 90.88 -539 -48,984
Aggregate Net Quantity -1,510
Aggregate Net Value ($) -137,229
Aggregate Avg. Buy ($) -
Aggregate Avg. Sell ($) 90.88
Name Holder Date Type Quantity Price Value ($)
GIBBONS DALE Officer 15 Oct 2024 Disposed (-) 285 90.88 25,901
GIBBONS DALE Officer 15 Oct 2024 Option execute 285 - -
CURLEY STEPHEN RUSSELL Officer 15 Oct 2024 Disposed (-) 165 90.88 14,995
CURLEY STEPHEN RUSSELL Officer 15 Oct 2024 Option execute 165 - -
BRUCKNER TIM R Officer 15 Oct 2024 Disposed (-) 158 90.88 14,359
BRUCKNER TIM R Officer 15 Oct 2024 Option execute 158 - -
JARVI JESSICA H Officer 15 Oct 2024 Disposed (-) 58 90.88 5,271
JARVI JESSICA H Officer 15 Oct 2024 Option execute 58 - -
KENNEDY BARBARA Officer 15 Oct 2024 Disposed (-) 101 90.88 9,179
KENNEDY BARBARA Officer 15 Oct 2024 Option execute 101 - -
HERNDON LYNNE Officer 15 Oct 2024 Disposed (-) 35 90.88 3,181
HERNDON LYNNE Officer 15 Oct 2024 Option execute 35 - -
BOOTHE TIMOTHY W Officer 15 Oct 2024 Disposed (-) 97 90.88 8,815
BOOTHE TIMOTHY W Officer 15 Oct 2024 Option execute 97 - -
VECCHIONE KENNETH Officer 15 Oct 2024 Disposed (-) 539 90.88 48,984
VECCHIONE KENNETH Officer 15 Oct 2024 Option execute 539 - -
NACHLAS EMILY Officer 15 Oct 2024 Disposed (-) 72 90.88 6,543
NACHLAS EMILY Officer 15 Oct 2024 Option execute 72 - -
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TTM Dividend Yield 1.73%
5Y Average Dividend Yield 1.65%
Payout Ratio 22.87%
Expected Next Dividend Payment Dec 2024
Ex Date Announcement Date Payment Date Details
16 Aug 2024 31 Jul 2024 30 Aug 2024 0.37 Cash
15 May 2024 01 May 2024 31 May 2024 0.37 Cash
15 Feb 2024 05 Feb 2024 01 Mar 2024 0.37 Cash
16 Nov 2023 27 Oct 2023 01 Dec 2023 0.37 Cash
10 Aug 2023 01 Aug 2023 25 Aug 2023 0.36 Cash
11 May 2023 02 May 2023 26 May 2023 0.36 Cash
16 Feb 2023 06 Feb 2023 03 Mar 2023 0.36 Cash
17 Nov 2022 26 Oct 2022 02 Dec 2022 0.36 Cash
11 Aug 2022 28 Jul 2022 26 Aug 2022 0.36 Cash
12 May 2022 25 Apr 2022 27 May 2022 0.35 Cash
17 Feb 2022 08 Feb 2022 04 Mar 2022 0.35 Cash
18 Nov 2021 03 Nov 2021 03 Dec 2021 0.35 Cash
12 Aug 2021 27 Jul 2021 27 Aug 2021 0.35 Cash
13 May 2021 27 Apr 2021 28 May 2021 0.25 Cash
18 Feb 2021 09 Feb 2021 05 Mar 2021 0.25 Cash
12 Nov 2020 29 Oct 2020 27 Nov 2020 0.25 Cash
13 Aug 2020 28 Jul 2020 28 Aug 2020 0.25 Cash
14 May 2020 28 Apr 2020 29 May 2020 0.25 Cash
13 Feb 2020 07 Feb 2020 28 Feb 2020 0.25 Cash
14 Nov 2019 30 Oct 2019 29 Nov 2019 0.25 Cash
15 Aug 2019 05 Jun 2019 30 Aug 2019 0.25 Cash
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Annual Dividend Yield

Year Annual Dividend ($) Frequency/Year Yield %
2024 1.11 3 1.30
2023 1.45 4 2.20
2022 1.42 4 2.38
2021 1.20 4 1.12
2020 1.00 4 1.67
2019 0.500 2 0.88
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Risk Profile

| | | | |
Moderate Conservative
Moderate Aggressive
Margin of Safety (EP)
Partial Profit (TP1)
Target Profit (TP2)
Maximum Loss (SL)

Disclaimer: The above is for illustrative purposes only and is NOT investment advice. Seek advice from a qualified financial professional.

Entry Price (EP)

Take Profit 1 (TP1)

Take Profit 2 (TP2)

Stop Loss (SL)

52W Range

All alert prices are within 52 weeks price range

Realized Profit -
Unrealized Profit -
Dividend Received 2024 -
Total Profit -
Avg. Return -
Quantity (Buy) -
Avg. Price (Buy) -
Quantity (Sold) -
Avg. Price (Sold) -
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